A few years ago I went to the messiest yard sale in the largest backyard eva. Those are the absolute best. Tables full of junk and no prices. I’m a scavenger, really. I found these 2 seats and was told by the lady that her father had made them with the intention of making them stools. Well, for a buck each, they were mine.
How to Make a Plant Stand From a Wooden Seat & Bed Frame Feet
The routed one on the left was in the running for when we made our steampunk-ish lamp but, it didn’t make the cut.
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In the fall we were cleaning out our garage, throwing so much stuff away. I came across these bed frame feet for a frame we threw away moons ago. I’d only ever used them to prop stuff on as I spray painted. I looked at them wondering why on earth I’d kept them. I threw ‘em away and continued cleaning. Then I was reintroduced to the stool seats and I thought of those bed frame feet. Then I dove back into the garbage to rescue them. Dumpster diving my own garbage.
I didn’t even know you can buy these feet as replacements! Whaaa? The caps easily come off and snuggly fit back down.
I painted the caps in rusty primer first then in hammered gray.
I painted the feet lemongrass yellow, just like on the wooden basket insert I made. I don’t know what happened when I was painting the feet but, I got some major bubbling. I can only guess I re-coated it too fast.
Once dry, I scraped off the bubblies and coated again making sure it dried before re-coating. I really don’t know why I try to paint plastic. Something always seems to go wrong. Have you had luck?
For the seat I sanded it down and stained it using red mahogany. If you follow me, you knew it was either the red like on this little dresser or the gray like what I used on the cosco stool or the mail organizer.
I’d pre-drilled into the plastic feet early on before painting. Once everything was dry, I placed the feet onto the wood to pre-drill again. Keep it straight which holes on the plastic feet match up to those on the wood.
So, I just made a cute little plant stand from old bed frame feet and a would be stool seat. I get no greater satisfaction than creating something from things that had an entirely different life or purpose before. Tell me, do you feel strongly about repurposing practically anything and everything?

Ahhhh Angie, you did it again. The wooden seat and plastic bed frame feet make and adorable plant stand. I’ve had problems with spraying plastic too unfortunately and it’s so frustrating. Maybe it’s the type of paint you used?
Thank you 🙂 I honestly don’t know if it’s the type of paint, Michelle. I do always use Rustoleum though. Maybe I should find another brand just to try out.
So cute, creative, and a clever idea. I love it!
Thank you so much, Ivory!
I find it so hard to part with things that might have a use someday. I wish I could purge more but my instinct is usually to keep things because I ‘might’ think of something. I guess that’s because inspiration almost always comes after those things are permanently gone (not just waiting to be gone)!! There should be a site where you can post pictures of your junk so you can get inspiration from others on what to make before you turn into a hoarder – lol. Glad you were able to repurpose these items; it turned out so cute!
I know, Sara! I sometimes find it hard to part with things but, I also can’t stand when I feel overwhelmed by it all so I go through in a mad rush periodically just chucking stuff. I have to tell myself I’ll survive 😉 There are different facebook groups where you can show others what you have for suggestions. I’m not a part of any myself but, I’ve heard they’re out there. Heck, we should start one 😀