Repurposed Step Stool to Plant Stand

I’ve had this little wooden step stool for a long time. It’s been sitting in my garage next to 3 chairs I need to tackle too. There’s nothing special about it other than it has a little storage compartment up at the top. Well, ya see, I don’t have any children and this step stool won’t get me any closer to reaching that thing in the upper cabinet of the kitchen. So, what to do? Continue reading “Repurposed Step Stool to Plant Stand”

Rummage Sale Finds & A Quick Project

Like most DIYers I love a good deal. In other words, I’m extremely cheap. I never know if I’m going to keep a refurbished piece of furniture or a repurposed thrift store find so when it comes to spending money, I want to make sure I’m not going to lose any if I decide to sell. So, when we walk into a church rummage sale as they’re saying, “fill a bag for $5,” my eyes widen, my stance is strong, and I’ve never moved so fast. Continue reading “Rummage Sale Finds & A Quick Project”

DIY Silver Plated Tray & Sconce Votive Centerpiece

I’m not a fancy person with expensive taste in clothing, lifestyle, or home decor. It just doesn’t fit with our laid back way of living. The biggest thing is I’m not willing to spend lots of money on things just to achieve a look no matter what style it is.  It doesn’t mean I don’t like fancy decor styles. It just isn’t something I lean towards when decorating. Oh, and I have no eye for decorating my home at all! Continue reading “DIY Silver Plated Tray & Sconce Votive Centerpiece”