Rummage Sale Finds & A Quick Project

Like most DIYers I love a good deal. In other words, I’m extremely cheap. I never know if I’m going to keep a refurbished piece of furniture or a repurposed thrift store find so when it comes to spending money, I want to make sure I’m not going to lose any if I decide to sell. So, when we walk into a church rummage sale as they’re saying, “fill a bag for $5,” my eyes widen, my stance is strong, and I’ve never moved so fast. Continue reading “Rummage Sale Finds & A Quick Project”

DIY Cupcake Liner Wreath

One day I had what I thought was a strange idea. One that no one could have already thought up. I was going to be catapulted into wreath infamy and people will be beating down my blogging door asking for an autograph. What crazy idea, you ask? A cupcake liner wreath. Of course I Google-d it to see what I’d find truly expecting to find cupcake liner projects and wreath projects but, nothing with the two combined. Continue reading “DIY Cupcake Liner Wreath”

How to Make a Spook House from a Broken Lantern

With Halloween just around the dark corner, here’s a super easy decor idea using an old lantern. I was given this rundown lantern by my dad because remember, he knows I’ll use stuff.

It’s in really bad shape. Rusty. Broken. Bent. Dirty. Anyone in their right mind would probably toss it. Continue reading “How to Make a Spook House from a Broken Lantern”