Easy Mid Century Styled Side Table

I’m really excited about today’s post! This unique DIY end table couldn’t be any easier to make. The best part is, depending on how you want your table to look, you could complete it with only the use of a drill, paint or stain. Nice, right? Continue reading “Easy Mid Century Styled Side Table”

Finally Getting The Garden Ready

I’ll start off by saying I’m tired. Sweet Joe’s cooking up some food and I’m upstairs writing this post. This is real life as it’s Sunday, May 14 at 7:05 p.m. I’m happy and tired by the way. Not a glum tired. We worked in the yard ALL day and while I’d love to finish my secretary (it’s done!) and numerous other projects, I really need to get my butt in gear with the garden.

It isn’t anything special but, I’m proud of what we accomplished today and I hope you’re out there accomplishing what you need to get done. Not enough time in the day, right? Continue reading “Finally Getting The Garden Ready”

Rummage Sale Finds & A Quick Project

Like most DIYers I love a good deal. In other words, I’m extremely cheap. I never know if I’m going to keep a refurbished piece of furniture or a repurposed thrift store find so when it comes to spending money, I want to make sure I’m not going to lose any if I decide to sell. So, when we walk into a church rummage sale as they’re saying, “fill a bag for $5,” my eyes widen, my stance is strong, and I’ve never moved so fast. Continue reading “Rummage Sale Finds & A Quick Project”