5 Inexpensive Small DIY “Tools” We Use

There are certain smaller tools I find absolutely necessary to have at the ready when I’m working on projects whether for fun or because I can’t stand the broken “whatever it is” any longer.

They aren’t at all expensive compared to big tools and granted they can’t do what those big expensive tools can do either but, sometimes a good DIY doesn’t need those large bad boys. Most of these can also be used in more ways than you would expect. Continue reading “5 Inexpensive Small DIY “Tools” We Use”

What do you want to see in 2017?

I know there are a lot of surveys going around right now and I’m not sure how you feel about them. I do know however, that I want to know more about what it is that you’re looking for in a DIY blog.

Are there things you search for on-line yet, nothing comes up? Are you bombarded with too much (fill in the blank). Definitely let me know. While I can’t guarantee I know how to solve your problem, I’d love to be given the chance to try. Thank you for everything! Continue reading “What do you want to see in 2017?”

“Fix” Broken Wagon Wheels by Making Them Stationary

I bought this cute little wooden wagon pull toy while out at a local neighborhood garage sale over the summer. It had the alphabet stenciled on it all around and the “axles” connecting the wheels were in bad shape. It was neither a toy nor pull-able at this point. This was an easy trash to treasure makeover! Continue reading ““Fix” Broken Wagon Wheels by Making Them Stationary”

Create a Winter Wonderland Using A Basket

This is one of those projects where there’s definitely no right or wrong way to do it. You just keep adding or taking out what you like and what you don’t. You could go a minimalistic route or clutter the heck out of it. Baskets vary in size and shape so what I did won’t necessarily work for you but, it’s the idea that hopefully will. Continue reading “Create a Winter Wonderland Using A Basket”