Christmas Scroll Using A Vintage Wooden Spool

This is such a simple how-to on making a cute little chalkboard that looks like a scroll using an old wooden spool.

As usual, I found the old spool at a thrift store for a whopping 50¢. One of our thrift stores has weekly deals where Wed. thru. Saturday certain colored stickers are marked down to 50¢ and this was one of those. I’m the first to admit, I like a good deal and I have to tell myself just because it’s 2 quarters doesn’t mean I have to get it.

I’ll also admit I’ve gotten soooo many things for 50¢ I should be embarrassed to go back. If I were someone who cared about my DIY pride more than a good deal then maybe I would be but, I am not. Continue reading “Christmas Scroll Using A Vintage Wooden Spool”

Christmas Vintage Plastic Candelabra Makeover

I adore these old dingy vintage plastic candelabra lights. I only have two and they used to belong to Joe’s grandma. I don’t know what it is about them but, I especially love the look from outside when pulling in the driveway.

I love them even though they are pretty much the ugliest things. When I unpacked the Christmas stuff this year, reality sank in as to how urine like they were. Sorry, I couldn’t get it out my head either. Continue reading “Christmas Vintage Plastic Candelabra Makeover”

Free Printable ~ Thank Your Lucky Stars

Positivity is a hard thing to have some days, isn’t it? I definitely struggle with it and I’m guessing you do to, at least sometimes. I try to think positively on a daily basis and I’ve even incorporated a “thankful” routine in where I write down 3 things I’m thankful for each day.

Sometimes all I’m thankful for is that I didn’t get mad…at anyone or anything or I finished my coffee before it got cold. That’s really stretching it but, some days that’s all I got.

With the holidays here and soon to be gone, I’ve got lots of things on my mind. This is my very first printable and I’ll be the first to admit, I know I’ve got a ways to go in creativity. I guess I’ll never get better if I don’t keep trying though, right? Continue reading “Free Printable ~ Thank Your Lucky Stars”

Nutcracker Dish Christmas Makeover

I think I take on most projects out of shear curiosity. While sometimes I think I might have a winner on my hands, other times I know I most certainly do not. I’m too curious though which draws me to things like this old nutcracker dish.

It was a lot of work to make basically the same thing without little holes for the nutcracker utensils.

I say this and you may think why is she telling me that she basically didn’t create anything new? The point is, sometimes I just need to DO and not think of the outcome. I just did this with no real expectations which is often hard for me. Are you like this? In the end, this isn’t perfect but, I did it. Continue reading “Nutcracker Dish Christmas Makeover”